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an interview w jay jones of killing monday

For those who may not know you/your band, introduce yourself!

My name is Jaden Jones and I play in a punk rock band called Killing Monday in Mesa, Arizona.

What was the first live show you ever played like?

The first live show we ever played was actually in our lead guitarist’s front yard and we played for a bunch of family and friends. It was so much fun to get everybody together to just have a good time and play some music.

Favorite and least favorite part of creating music?

My favorite part of creating music is that moment when you realize that we just wrote a song and it all starts to come together. My least favorite part of making music would probably have to be the parts where we get stuck and have a hard time figuring out what we want to do for a part of a song. 

Favorite part of being involved in the Phoenix local music scene?

My favorite part of being involved in the Phoenix scene is that everybody is so friendly and accepting. It’s such a great community of musicians who all just love what they do and love expressing themselves. 

Best show you’ve ever been to and why?

I haven’t been to very many live shows but I’ve gotta say, the PUP concert was insane. Everybody there was so friendly and the band was fantastic. Very loud energy and I would relive it if I could. 

Is there any advice you’ve been given that you live by or any specific lyrics from songs that stuck with you?

If there was any advice I’ve ever been given that has stuck with me, it would have to be from Dave Grohl. He once said that you shouldn’t look at the posters on the wall and say “I’m never gonna do that”. You should look at the posters on the wall and say “I’m gonna do that”. 

Do you have any music you’re planning to release soon/what can you tell us about upcoming projects?

We are currently working on writing our debut album and I’d say you can expect a single to come out sometime within the next few months. 

What is one thing you want people to take away from listening to your music or one thing you hope to achieve with music?

The main thing that I want people to take away from our music is that it’s ok to be who you are and you should always remember that you have people around you that will support you. The one thing we hope to achieve is to make people happy from listening to our music. 


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