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an interview w isaac pach

For those who don’t know you, introduce yourself.

Hey, I’m Isaac Pach. I’ve been recording and releasing music for a little over a year. 

How long have you been in music and what made you want to start?

I remember scrolling through youtube and finding people that were making DIY recordings in their bedrooms. It was so raw and unfiltered, and it really inspired me to start recording. 

What are some things that inspire you when you write?

Most of my songs are about whatever was weighing me down at the time, mainly insecurity or failing friendships. Writing about it helps me clear my head and move on, and I hope other people feel the same way when they listen to my music. 

You just released, Thanks, Bud, a super awesome album, what do you want people to take away from it? What’s your personal favorite song on the album?

Thanks, Bud is about losing a friend and dealing with all the conflicting emotions that come with it. I want people to know that it’s alright to move on. Favorite song is a tough one, I’m torn between Purpose and Self Help. They’re the songs I’m most proud of, and I’m glad to know other people are dig them.

What’s your favorite part of being in music? least favorite part?

For me the best part of music is the community. All the friends I’ve made along the way have made the entire experience absolutely wonderful and I love them for it. The worst part are the days without inspiration. It’s easy to feel like I’ve lost it and everything I make sounds like trash. It all passes though, and it makes the inspired days even better. 

Anything else you want to say to your fans?

To the fans, thank you. It’s insane to me that people listen to my music. I couldn’t be more grateful. 

Favorite fact about frogs?

Dude did you know frogs swallow with their eyes? They pull their eyes back into their head and use them to push down food, it’s the craziest thing I’ve ever seen


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