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an interview w Sizzy Rocket

photo by @terribthomas on instagram!

  1. How did you become Sizzy Rocket/get into music? Was music always something you’d wanted to pursue as a career?

I "became" Sizzy Rocket after I read the book Please Kill Me about the history of punk before I went off to college. I just connected with it so deeply and knew that I wanted my music and my art to have that same kind of subversive energy. But I've been writing and performing music since I was like, 7.

2. You currently have a couple albums out, along w some singles and eps. out of your albums and eps, which one do you think embodies you the most & why?

I love this question! I think they all truly embodied who I was at the time that I made them. After I make a body of work it's often hard for my to go back and listen to because it brings me back to that specific time in my life...I like to live inside of my work as I'm making it and then completely discard it and become someone new. So this album that I am currently rolling out is the most "me".

3. What inspires you to create? are all your songs written from personal experiences? 

I am very inspired by personal experiences, but I find inspiration everywhere - my environment is also super important. I'm usually super inspired by the city I live in...right now Los Angeles is my muse.

4. In addition to putting out your music, you also founded your own record label (diet punk), which is really cool!! what was the whole process behind creating diet punk like?

The process has been amazing - I'm learning that I love being involved in every part of this operation, not just writing and performing the music. I love going over budgets, video treatments, marketing plans, having a hand in the's about building a bigger picture and creating my legacy, creating a machine that will benefit other artists, rather than just writing songs and making the product.

5. Last year, you toured w chloe mk. what was your favorite part of tour and are there any cities or venues in particular you’d wanna hit on your next tour?

My favorite part of tour is the constant newness - everything feels fresh because you're in a different place everyday and that keeps me present.

6. what’s it like to be a queer woman in the music industry? what is one thing you would tell other young people in the lgbtq+ community who want to pursue music as a career?

I would say don't sacrifice who you are for anything or anybody!

A big thank you to Sizzy Rocket for this interview, and her upcoming album, ANARCHY drops on September 25th and is available for pre-order now!


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